Head Coach
Shaums March


Galbraith Gravity’s Technical Program Coach; Shaums March, a two time Downhill masters World Champion, former Red Bull athlete, and technical skills coach for the USA Cycling National and Olympic team. Shaums has coached multiple riders to National Championships, and 5 of his riders have won World Championship titles! :).

Eric Olsen is GGRs Head Coach on the ground. EWS Racer, owner/engineer at Jank Components, and our favorite from Pink Bike Academy! Eric is a certified coach through BICP and a pro racer. He helps to guide the spirit of our program.



USA Cycling

GGR is licensed and insured through USA Cycling. We follow Safe Sport Guidelines.


Training Opportunities

  • Clinics with Certified Coaches

  • Guest Coach/Expert/Pro Clinics

  • Race Support - Track Walks & Practice Rides

  • Team Training Rides

  • Pump Track Sessions

  • AirRec Center Training

  • BICP MTB Coaching Certifications


Race &
Training Support

Ride Leaders trained through BICP volunteer to help younger racers during race weekends. Track walks, practice sessions, good decision making, safe progression.

Racers in the U10 Category are allowed to have a coach/parent follow for the races (race and category depending). Having multiple kids racing - ride leaders help to share the load and get all the kids safely down the course.

Ride leaders set the example and show the kids how to progress. Ride leaders benefit from the team supporting their entry fees, coaching certifications, etc. If you help support the team, support goes largely to helping the riders that help the racers. Pledge your support today.


Specialty Expert Sessions

The team organizes trips to specialty training at top facilities like the Bike Ranch, the AIR REC Center, Intrinsic Flow Chuckanut Bike Shuttles, and Whistler Bike Park.